Before you buy BioShock Infinite - Season Pass, please check the store page for any information about activation restrictions in your region. However, some shops don’t share information regarding regional locks in their product feeds and that can lead to some very occasional mistakes. We always try to make sure that price displayed in our comparison is assigned to the correct regions. If the price is still too high, create a price alert and receive an email notification when BioShock Infinite - Season Pass matches your budget! Does BioShock Infinite - Season Pass cd key activate in my region? Check the price history of the game to determine how good the deal is in relation to historical low offers. All offers already include discounts from vouchers to save you time and money. GG.deals aggregates game keys from over 40 digital distribution stores so you can find the best deals on video games. Note: The Early Bird Special bonus pack can only be obtained by purchasing a Season Pass.
#Included in bioshock infinite season pass skin#
This instant bonus pack contains four pieces of exclusive gear for BioShock Infinite, a Machine Gun Damage Upgrade, a Pistol Damage Upgrade, a gold skin for both weapons and five Infusion bottles that allow players to increase their health, their shield durability or their ability to use Vigors by increasing the quantity of Salts they can carry. BioShock Infinite: Early Bird Special Pack.Climb the Leaderboards and earn new achievements. Complete Blue Ribbon Challenges and unlock concept art, Voxophones, Kinetoscopes, and more in The Columbian Archeological Society. This pack features 60 challenges in four brand-new environments. Combine weapons, Vigors, Gear, Tears, and Sky-Lines in ways you never thought possible as you square off against impossible odds. This first add-on pack puts an intense focus on BioShock Infinite combat.

This pack is included in the BioShock Infinite Season Pass and will contain new Trophies. BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode Two is the last of three BioShock Infinite add-on packs and it concludes the storyline of BioShock Infinite and Burial at Sea. Developed by Irrational Games, the studio behind the original BioShock and BioShock Infinite, this continuation of the Burial at Sea saga features parts of Rapture you’ve never seen before, incudes modified stealth-oriented gameplay that brings you new weapons and plasmids, and involves nearly every major character from the original BioShock and BioShock Infinite. Set immediately after the conclusion of Burial at Sea – Episode One, this final episode puts you in the role of Elizabeth as she journeys through Rapture in an effort to rescue the little sister she abandoned. See the world through Elizabeth’s eyes in BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea – Episode Two.

Get three DLC packs at an incredible discount only available to Season Pass holders.